PREVIEW: Introduction to Dye-Na-Flow Paints – s05e05

September 17, 2018
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This class is all about the magic of Dye-Na-Flow paints. Seriously, I think they are bottled MAGIC and not paint at all! In this class you’ll learn where to find them, how to use them on fabric and paper in several different fun ways and best of all, you’ll see what happens when we introduce salts to Dye-Na-Flow. They are a match made in heaven!

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What does creativity mean to you? How do you creatively define yourself? Or, do you? Each of these thought-provoking questions is one I personally revisit from time to time. Often my internal dialogue is triggered because someone else labels me. In no way is this a bad thing. In fact, I’m very grateful because I have the chance to once again examine my self-concept.

I’ve been referred to as a Crafter. I’ve been called an Artist. I’ve also been labeled as Teacher. Each of those identifiers brings forth a unique reaction. I have to admit that I don’t really like being defined as one thing because I don’t see myself as only one kind of Maker. I’m a combination!

I’ve always loved reading directions and assembling things which is referred to as crafting by some. I love exploring new art supplies as I discover their properties through surface design on fabric and paper. Such explorations might be attributed to an Artist.

Since I was very young, I’ve loved inspiring and showing anyone how to be creative. I began teaching piano lessons as a young teenager. Teaching piano became my profession for many years until I knew it was time to move on to another creative endeavor. I also taught decorative painting, sewing, mixed-media, and more. So, the word Teacher is also an appropriate way to describe me.

When I’m asked what I do, I often reply that I play in my studio. When I create with no purpose, I try things I might never have thought about. And that’s how this class, Introduction to Dye-Na-Flow Paint, began. I pulled out a pile of fabric scraps and several kinds of paper and opened a new box of paint bottles. The truth is that I’d been staring at that box for months and wondering what in the world I might do with it. 😉

Once I released all the aforementioned labels, it was time to play and let the magic happen! I discovered an art supply that now has a permanent home in my creative space. During those delightful hours, I BEGAN to scratch the surface of what I could do with Dye-Na-Flow. Time evaporated and the piles of deliciousness grew and I felt filled up and satisfied. Ahhhhhh!

What will I do with all this goodness? I don’t know and I don’t need to know right now. It’s kind of like being labeled with one descriptor. I don’t know what that is either. The one thing I do know for sure about me and Dye-Na-Flow is that we had a great time together and I can’t wait to share what I learned with each of you!

Be sure to download your class notes and I’ll see you in class. Let’s get creative together and just see what happens!

Remember to Get Creative today! It’s Easy!

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Barb Owen

About the Author

Barb Owen

Barb is the founder of How to Get Creative, author of "Normal Doesn't Live Here Anymore", a specialist at playing in the art studio and has an unhealthy addiction to smiles. ;-)

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