PREVIEW: How to Make a Pillowcase – s02e02

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Learn How to Make a fun, easy, unique Pillowcase that fits just right. Learn how to choose the best fabric for your pillowcase, how to finish seams and why you need to press as you sew. Pillowcases make great gifts for everyone.

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Have you shopped for pillows lately? There are dozens of choices created with materials ranging from memory foam to duck and goose down, as well as many specialized hypo-allergenic options, too. The price of pillows is as varied as the array of pillows available today.

Did you ever wonder how pillows became such an important can’t-do-without-it necessity? Pillows have been around for a LONG time - since 7000 BC! Actually, it’s a stretch to call those things pillows because they were made of stone. Can you imagine trying to be even marginally comfortable putting your head on a piece of stone? In China, pillows were elevated from simple stone but were still created from hard objects like jade, porcelain, stone, bronze, bamboo or wood. One can’t help wondering why materials like cotton or wool were initially avoided unless issues with insects were problematic.

Superstition often overruled logic. Pillows, made from hard materials, were thought to keep demons away in some ancient cultures. At one time pillows were a sign of weakness and only pregnant women or kings were allowed to rest their heads on them. The ancient Greeks and Romans stuffed fabric with cotton, reeds or straw which must have been a BIG step forward in comfort!

With the arrival of the Industrial Revolution pillows became commonplace and most certainly moved up the ladder of importance. As pillows evolved, so did the presence of the humble pillowcase. Inexpensive fibers were gradually replaced with fine linen and cotton as better methods of milling and spinning developed.

Early pillowcases were designed to protect not only the pillow, but the user, as well. The small size was good for frequent changes which was thereby more hygienic during times of illness or contagious disease. Soon enough pillowcases became pretty additions to the bed rather than just a utilitarian cover.

Embroidery was a required skill in some societies and a pillowcase provided the perfect small canvas to show an embroiderer’s mastery of beautiful needle art.

Changing pillowcases is also an easy way to add bits of color to the decor and change the mood or feeling in a room. Pillowcases are easy to stitch for fun or to use up one’s fabric stash and also make nice gifts.

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Barb Owen

About the Author

Barb Owen

Barb is the founder of How to Get Creative, author of "Normal Doesn't Live Here Anymore", a specialist at playing in the art studio and has an unhealthy addiction to smiles. ;-)

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