PREVIEW: How to Bind a Quilt – s04e05

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Every quilt, whether a small or large art piece or one to snuggle under on cold winter nights needs a beautiful durable edge finish. In this class you will learn how to measure, cut and create continuous binding. Next you’ll learn how to properly attach the binding to the quilt’s edges, how to easily miter corners and two ways to perfectly connect the binding ends. Hand stitching completes the binding and it’s ready to use. Learn a bonus faux piping binding technique, too!

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Quilts played a significant role in my family. I remember the stories my mother told about her mother, grandmother, and aunts quilting together and how she would sit and listen to them as she watched their nimble fingers work their magic. Similar stories were shared by my father, too. Learning to quilt was considered a rite of passage when my parents were young and each of them were required to complete a quilt before they were allowed to marry. (I can’t imagine making my son to stitch a quilt before he could seriously date someone!)

My mother inherited many of her family quilts which I am privileged to own. I still studying the patterns, colors, stitches and bindings. I never fail to see something new that I hadn’t noticed before! Although I never knew any of my grandparents or aunts, I feel a deep connection with them through the fabric and stitches and stories.

One of the traditions in our family began when I was given a Sunbonnet Baby quilt for college graduation. From that time forward, my parents lovingly created a quilt for each of their daughters and granddaughters for one special occasion. I still remember watching them at the quilt frame stitching and talking and pouring love into each quilt. It was such a normal activity that no one ever thought to record it in a photograph, but thankfully the image is forever etched in my memory.

All of the old family quilts were created to be used on beds for added warmth. Many of them have had their bindings replaced by my mother along with various patches and repairs. Each one is precious to me, regardless of its condition.

Learning how to bind a quilt is not only necessary for finishing the edge, but may also serve as a beautiful design element. In this class you’ll learn how to measure, cut and create continuous binding for any quilt. You’ll learn the best way to attach binding to a quilt’s edge, no matter how large or small. Mitering creates perfect corners and it’s easy to do when you know a couple of tricks.

One of the most important skills you’ll learn in this class is how to connect the binding strips so that no one knows where you started or ended the binding. A perfectly finished quilt is just a few steps away.

Download your class notes and watch the video class and enjoy the process of binding your quilt projects.

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Barb Owen

About the Author

Barb Owen

Barb is the founder of How to Get Creative, author of "Normal Doesn't Live Here Anymore", a specialist at playing in the art studio and has an unhealthy addiction to smiles. ;-)

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