PREVIEW: How to Create a Hexagon Fabric Box – Part 2 – s05e04
Now that all the pieces are prepared, you’re ready to learn all the tips and tricks needed to assemble and finish your one-of-a-kind Fabric Hexagon Box. A few hand stitches, some drapery rings, a bit of ribbon, a special button and you’ll be ready to fill the box.
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Frequently as I speak or write, I use the words FUN and PLAY. It’s not uncommon for folks who enrich their lives on the golf course, by working out at a gym or by devoting their free time to church activities find my need to play and have fun, a bit curious. Different strokes for different folks, right?
Playing for me includes a variety of activities. All too often I’m lured by a shiny new set of art supplies that insist I must take them home. I can’t get them unwrapped fast enough to see how they work by playing with them. That’s FUN for me, regardless of the outcome which may quite possibly land in the trash. Even if my experiments leave me less than fulfilled, the activity of playing with something new has filled up my creative soul again.
A magazine article, an online video or taking a class can spark a flurry of play time in which hours can evaporate in the blink of an eye. When I leave my creative space, I feel relaxed, happy about new discoveries or just grateful that I’ve been blessed with time and space to explore.
Sometimes playing means hours of trying out something new for a class. If you could see the containers of samples - successful or not so much - you might be tempted to tell me I needed to see someone. 😉
The Hexagon Fabric Box came from one of those play sessions that lasted for weeks. There were bags of pattern pieces awaiting their eventual storage with notes about design and construction. Piles of colorful fabric combinations provided my cats great hiding places. There was even a little stress surrounding some of my creative process as I felt the need to “get it done!”
In the end, the answer for me is always enjoying what I’m doing in the moment and allowing my creativity to take its own direction. My responsibility is to play, have fun and allow myself to be a vehicle of expression. That’s when the very best ideas and solutions show up.
After watching Part 2 of The Hexagon Fabric Box, I hope that you’ll give yourself the gift of time to play. Have fun as you complete your beautiful box and then enjoy the feeling of your creativity translated into reality.
Remember to download your class notes and I’ll see you in class.
Repeat after me, “It’s okay for me to PLAY and have FUN!”
Remember to Get Creative today! It’s Easy!!
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About the Author
Barb Owen
Barb is the founder of How to Get Creative, author of "Normal Doesn't Live Here Anymore", a specialist at playing in the art studio and has an unhealthy addiction to smiles. ;-)