Paste Paper: How to Make it and How to Use it

September 9, 2018
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Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I hope you enjoy all the eye candy in this post. 🙂

You know what happens the first Friday of the month, right? Indeed! It's Drama-free Friday and I broadcast live on YouTube.

During this episode of DFF, I showed some great magazines (Cloth, Paper, Scissors and The Science of Creativity) that will inspire and explode your creativity and I highly recommend both. When I find a great resource, I have to share it! 

Since my last LIVE stream, I received a lovely package of delightful Happy mail from a friend/viewer in Canada so of course, I had to share all the goodness with each of you. Thank you, Jaen, for your generosity and kindness!

I love surface design which is a fancy way of saying that I like to add stuff to personalize papers and fabrics. Believe me, I buy plenty of commercially produced paper and fabric, too, but there's just something about adding my own touch that makes my heart happy. 😉 This LIVE stream is all about my version of Paste Paper. There are many ways to create Paste Paper but I love this method best of all the ones with which I'm familiar. I mix up a batch of Elmer's Art Paste and distilled water. (I always use distilled water because nothing gets nasty as it sits and a gallon of mixed art paste can last a LONG time!)

Why do I love it? It's so easy and it's all about the layers which start with stencils and Dylusions Spray Inks. I chose to begin with basic white cardstock, but you can use the same process on text paper, music paper, newspaper, ugly scrapbook papers, etc. If you wonder, “What if?”, then try it! I bet you'll achieve some great results.

Once the ink sprays are dry and the Paste Paint is mixed up, then it's time to play with color and texture. The Paste Paint layer, when brushed over the surface, stays wet just long enough to add texture. Let it dry again and add another layer of color and more texture. Think of the possibilities! 

Be sure to click on the photos below to see samples from DFF.

Once the papers are finished and dry, I love using them for all kind of creative projects including accordion books. You can see them in detail during the LIVE stream. Be sure to join me the first Friday of each month for a new episode of Drama-Free Friday!

Until next time ~

Remember to Get Creative today! It's Easy!!


Public Service Announcement – Creating Paste Papers is addictive. I take no responsibility for the hundreds of hours that might disappear from your life without explanation. 😉

P.S. Please leave a comment below.


Barb Owen

About the Author

Barb Owen

Barb is the founder of How to Get Creative, author of "Normal Doesn't Live Here Anymore", a specialist at playing in the art studio and has an unhealthy addiction to smiles. ;-)

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