Creative Chat with Rosalida Medina
It's always a very special day on Drama-free Friday when I am privileged to enjoy a Creative Chat. Rosalida Medina joined me from California and gave us a peek into her world – one filled with color, paint, fabric, costumes and a beautiful imagination. (We even got a few minutes to chat with The Technical Department aka Race Owen, too.) 🙂
Rosa not only showed us her mother's watercolor palette that she continues to use today, but also took us on a journey from the concept to completion of a stunning coat that she designed. Not only did she share her original sketches, but also explained her screen-printing process for fabric creation. Can you say A-M-A-Z-I-N-G?!! If you missed watching the video, don't wait. . . go watch it right now! You'll see many other samples of Rosa's work and hear about movies and television productions featuring her designs, too.
Remember to check out Rosa's website for information and lots more images of her costumes and creations, too.
I hope you will join me every Friday at 2pm EDT. I love chatting with each of you during the LIVE show!
Until next time ~
Remember to Get Creative today! It's Easy!
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About the Author
Barb Owen
Barb is the founder of How to Get Creative, author of "Normal Doesn't Live Here Anymore", a specialist at playing in the art studio and has an unhealthy addiction to smiles. ;-)