Creative Chat (2018) with Seth Apter and Barb
Seth Apter, an amazing artist, joined me for a Drama-free Friday Creative Chat. I was privileged to meet Seth in person when we both attended Creativation 2018 in Phoenix, AZ in January. Seth designs products for several companies including Baked Texture for Emerald Creek, Paints for Paper Artsy, Rubber Stamps for Impression Obsession and Stencils for Stencil Girl Products. He also films Workshops with Artist Network tv. Some are available as DVDs as well as instant downloads. And how could I forget that Seth has authored The Pulse of Mixed Media and The Mixed-Media Artist and he teaches workshops around the world! Seth is one busy guy!!
One of my favorite parts of our chat was hearing Seth briefly share how he began his Mixed-Media art journey. In 2000, he visited an art gallery in Vancouver where he was entranced by the art he saw. He met the gallery owner who was also the artist. After purchasing a couple of her pieces, he was surprised when she sent him a handmade postcard to thank him for purchasing her art. As his way of expressing gratitude for the postcard, he created one and mailed it back to her. The simple act of mailing him a postcard ignited Seth’s love for Mixed-Media and caused his amazing artistic journey that continues today.
Seth showed examples of his Baked Texture embossing powders. Talk about a delicious product! A nice problem happened when people immediately responded to the Baked Textures – an unanticipated shortage – so if you’re waiting for your Baked Texture, just be patient. They’re on the way! Colors include Rocky Road, Ancient Amber, Patina Oxide, Deep Sea, Dirty Sand, Chunky Rust and the incredibly popular Vintage Beeswax. Be sure to watch Seth show the powders and explain how they are used. He shared with us that Vintage Beeswax will be available in larger quantities before long and that’s great news for folks who love to add lots of layers to create that beautiful smooth faux-encaustic look.
Be sure to check out Seth’s great blog which he updates quite frequently. He highlights various artists who have used Baked Textures as well as many other artists in his edition of Sunday Papers. I love getting a big cup of tea and sitting down to read Seth’s Sunday Papers!
Another section of Seth's blog is called Apter’s Chapters where he writes about things that are important to him like the concept of respecting each other – especially online. It’s way too easy to be negative and bully other people behind the anonymity of a computer screen and keyboard. I completely agree with Seth that we need to lift each other up and let go of feeling competitive.
Below you can see examples of Seth's products. Links below the images. Check them out.
Check out Seth's DVD workshops from Artist Network tv.
Seth's Rubber Stamps from Impression Obsession
Paints designed by Seth for Paper Artsy
I believe there are 5 sets of paints in Seth's most often used colors.
Paper Artsy paint is a chalk finish which is perfect for Art Journaling and more.
Baked Texture by Seth with Emerald Creek
One of six new stencils by Seth for Stencil Girl Products
The next episode of Drama-free Friday happens Friday, May 4, 2018 at 2pm Eastern. I hope you can join me as I love chatting with YOU!
Until next time ~
Remember to Get Creative today! It's Easy!!
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About the Author
Barb Owen
Barb is the founder of How to Get Creative, author of "Normal Doesn't Live Here Anymore", a specialist at playing in the art studio and has an unhealthy addiction to smiles. ;-)