Art Journal Page – Craziness!

March 9, 2020
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Drama-free Friday wasn’t quite so drama-free this time! Have you ever had one of “those days”? It began with one tiny little setting that was required for live streaming. Perhaps a nap would have been a better choice than soldiering on, but once I dig my heels in, I’m sticking with it, no matter what. The Muse even whispered that she recommended the nap option. 🙂

As you watch the video (the first 42:47 minutes was recorded LIVE in front of very supportive viewers), you’ll see process after process unfold as I tried to create something palatable. That was most likely the issue – trying to control the uncontrollable. In the end, I closed the Art Journal and will look at it in a few days to see if it has become more pleasing to my sensibilities. Lol!

So, you ask, “Why would you post this disaster?” Answer, “Because I’m not always successful translating the image in my mind onto the page, but I always learn something, even if the lessons show up down the road.”

Perhaps you’ll gain an idea or two. Maybe you’ll try a new-to-you art supply that you haven’t used before or remember you had that supply sitting on a shelf. Or just maybe, you’ll get a good laugh and in that case, this craziness is a success! Join me next Friday at 2pm Eastern for the next crazy episode of Drama-free Friday!

Remember to Get Creative Today! It’s Easy!!


Would you like the FREE Mandala Madness eBook? All the patterns used behind the door are from the FREE book.

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Barb Owen

About the Author

Barb Owen

Barb is the founder of How to Get Creative, author of "Normal Doesn't Live Here Anymore", a specialist at playing in the art studio and has an unhealthy addiction to smiles. ;-)

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